The StopJetLag Service

Want to Stop Jet Lag? Purchase a customized StopJetLag plan at and receive your jet lag advice as a PDF plan and optionally on your mobile device.
StopJetLag puts scientifically researched jet lag advice, created by a jet lag travel specialist, at your fingertips.
Unlike other methods of jet lag avoidance, StopJetLag analyzes flight times in relationship to when they occur during your normal routine. This can make a profound difference in successfully adjusting your body clock.
StopJetLag is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Each plan considers your specific flight schedule and normal daily routines. The result is a completely customized, concise hour-by-hour schedule that helps you reset your body clock so you arrive at your destination on local time.
StopJetLag is based on scientifically shifting your body clock onto your new time zone by:
- Adjusting sleep and meal times
- Timing bright light exposure and exercise
- Eating the right food, at the right time
- Regulating caffeine intake
- Using melatonin supplements (optional)
StopJetLag is:
- Natural, proven and scientifically based
- An easy to follow, personalized plan
- Safe and effective